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Writer's pictureEmin Birsel

Board Diversity for Global Success

In a recent conversation with Emin Birsel, a seasoned executive with over 30 years of experience in international business, we explored the importance of board diversity in crafting winning international expansion strategies. Emin’s wealth of experience spans leadership roles across various regions, providing invaluable insights into the complexities of global markets.

The Motivation for International Expansion

Sabit: Your exposure to international business landscapes is undoubtedly noteworthy. Many companies are hesitant to venture into the international arena due to the perceived risks. Despite this, there's a growing trend of companies looking beyond their domestic markets. What do you think prompts companies to explore international markets and what factors contribute to their success?

Emin:  It's true, the decision to pursue international expansion is not to be taken lightly, and I often receive this question. The motivation behind such a move is often rooted in the recognition of saturated domestic markets, or in the desire to diversify the risks and overcome limitations of a single market. At times, companies realize that the products or services they offer could fulfil unmet needs in other markets.

However, taking the step towards international expansion is a strategic initiative, necessitating an assessment of both risks and benefits. There are significant advantages, as well as potential challenges, to be considered.

When discussing the reasons to explore international markets, I often highlight several key points starting with diversification of revenue streams. Operating across multiple countries allows a company to distribute its revenue sources among various markets. This mitigates the risks associated with overreliance on a single economy's performance. A geographic spread of operations also reduces the potential impact of political instability, economic downturns, currency fluctuations and even unforeseen disasters in a particular region.

Next to mention is the eventual access to larger customer bases and resources.  Entering new markets provides access to a broader customer base, revealing potentially untapped demand for existing products or services.  This can have a significantly positive impact on leveraging the existing physical and intellectual assets of the company.  On the flip side, different countries offer diverse resources, such as skilled labor, raw materials, and technology, potentially different from the company’s domestic market. These can significantly impact a company's operational capabilities and costs.

Another top reason among others is the opportunity for the cross-fertilization of ideas and practices. Operating internationally exposes companies to varying business practices, cultures, and customer preferences. This diversity often leads to enhanced innovation and problemsolving, that can also find uses and synergies in the domestic market. While these benefits are substantial, it's important to acknowledge the associated risks in a new market. Currency fluctuations, unpredictable political and legal environments, regulatory challenges, and cultural considerations are among the potential pitfalls.

Benefits of Board Diversity in International Expansion

Sabit: Exactly. When it comes to the risks and rewards, companies are entering this field for two main reasons. Some are confident they can gain financially. Others are going abroad to diversify risks of operating in a single country. You've probably seen companies doing both for different reasons. Could you talk more about how often companies do this to try new things, and how often they do it because they think they can make more money in bigger markets?

Cultural Competence:

Emin:  Let's approach this from a holistic view and discuss “when and how to go international”. First, it's crucial to understand that expanding operations to multiple countries is a strategic step that requires careful planning. It’s not a decision made overnight; it involves aligning company leadership and stakeholders with the expansion plans. This alignment is essential as it sets the direction for the company’s growth. However, before venturing into new markets, it’s essential to have a well-established presence in the domestic market. This means having a solid customer base, efficient operations, and sustainable profitability generating cash flow. International expansion demands significant financial resources and stability.

Market Insights:

Conducting thorough market research is a recommended next step. This helps identify potential opportunities and assess demand for products and services in different countries. If there's a strong market potential that aligns with the company's strengths, then it might be a good time to consider international expansion.

Innovation and Problem-Solving:

Furthermore, understanding competitive advantages in target markets is crucial. Finding gaps in the market and offering products, services, or brands that consumers desire greatly enhances the chances of success. Nevertheless, the legal and regulatory frameworks of the target markets must be thoroughly understood and adhered to.

Reputation Management:

Many companies have faced surprises due to unfamiliar regulations that affect everything from product labelling to ingredients. Compliance can be complex and require adjustments to recipes, processes, and more.

Lastly, unique circumstances can present excellent opportunities for expansion, such as strategic alliances, mergers, or acquisitions opportunities. These allow strong companies to make their mark on the international stage.

Practical Considerations for Achieving Board Diversity

Sabit: You've touched upon stakeholder and shareholder commitment, financial health, strong market positioning, unique selling points, and the presence of opportunities.

However, what about the resources required for this international expansion? Specifically, would a company leverage its existing internal talent, which has proven successful in domestic markets, to venture into international markets?

Alternatively, would the company seek external resources and tap into the expertise of individuals experienced in the target or international markets to ensure a successful start on this journey?

Emin:  The role of talent is undoubtedly a crucial aspect when embarking on international expansion. A key consideration revolves around the qualities of leadership steering the ship. A company must ensure it possesses strong leadership with an international perspective, capable of navigating the intricate waters and landscapes of the international markets. These leaders should exhibit openness to diverse viewpoints, embrace cultural learning, and have the capacity to make informed decisions amidst the intricacies of diverse business environments.

Recruitment and Succession Planning:

One must keep in mind that each target market is a domestic market for the majority of the customer and consumer base; and that is where the company must win.  Hence local talent in the target market plays a pivotal role in this equation. Hiring and nurturing talent from the targeted new market is a fundamental approach. This approach grants the company a deep understanding of the target markets, leveraging the insights and cultural nuances provided by local employees. This connection bridges gaps, fostering relationships with customers, suppliers, and stakeholders. It's a bridge to understanding the complexities that may not be immediately apparent to those entering from external markets.

Partnerships and Collaborations:

However, the journey shouldn't be undertaken alone. Companies should equip themselves with a team that includes senior leaders and consultants, some of whom have gained invaluable experience from past successes and mistakes. Their insights pave a smoother path for the company's expansion. An alternative avenue to explore involves forging strategic alliances and partnerships. These collaborations can take various forms, from local companies to distributors and suppliers, ultimately granting access to networks, distribution channels, and shared resources.

Metrics and Accountability:

The human factor is indisputably at the core of successful international expansion. It demands thoughtful leadership, a blend of local and international expertise, and a commitment to collaborative partnerships that extend the company's reach and effectiveness.


As Emin Birsel aptly summarized, fostering a cohesive, winning culture that embraces diversity is key to triumph in both domestic and international markets.

Emin:  Summarizing, I would emphasize two pivotal pillars. Firstly, internal readiness stands as the cornerstone. It's essential to nurture a leadership team with an international mindset and surround the organization with advisors who foster cross-cultural competence. This readiness aligns with a company's ability to navigate the complexities of international expansion successfully.

The second pillar rests on developing and seizing partnership and acquisition opportunities strategically. While this requires its readiness, it presents a valuable avenue for acquiring knowledge and expanding capabilities. Of course, integrating these operations post-acquisition remains a challenge of its own, one that we can delve into in the future. In the end, it all circles back to fostering a cohesive, winning culture that thrives in both domestic and international markets.

Sabit: I understand that summarizing your extensive 30-year experience in just 30 minutes is a tall order. These topics are complex and involve methods, beliefs, and real-life lessons. Thank you, Emin!

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